Skin Benefits of Red Clover

Latin name:  Trifolium pratense. It is also known as Red Clover, Wild Clover, Cleaver Grass, Marl Grass, Cow Grass, Meadow Trefoil, Purple Clover.

Red Clover has long been used to treat irritating skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis and rashes. It boosts circulation which in turn speeds up the body’s natural elimination process which helps to clear skin conditions by moving the waste that builds up beneath the skin’s surface. This natural ingredients can also be applied externally to bring relief from these skin conditions.

There is research showing that Red Clover can retard the process of skin aging due to its estrogen-like effects, helping to maintain youthful and vibrant skin. It also ensures appropriate skin thickness and the healthy keratinisation and vascularity of the skin.

Constituents: Isoflavones, including biochanin A, daidzein, formononnetin, genistein, pratensein,trifoside. Other flavonoids, including pectolinarin and trifoliin. Volatile oil, Clovamides, L-Dopa-caffeic acid conjugates Coumarins, coumestrol, medicagol and coumarin, resins, minerals vitamins, phytoalexins.